Inventory Operations Associate

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-12

Job Descriptio:

The culture at Kohl's Stores is oe of acceptace, mutual support, ad celebratio of success amog team members.

Why Kohl's:

Create a workplace culture that is cetered aroud teamwork ad collaboratio, where everyoe is valued for their cotributios.

No More Costricted Work Hours: Restraits o your available work time will o loger be a problem. Take advatage of our offer of flexible shifts, allowig you to work durig the day or ight, o weekeds, ad ay time i betwee. Our teamwork policy empowers you!

Get ready to shop for your holiday gifts ad save big with a 15% associate discout ad additioal discouts o stackable coupos

Leaders who geuiely care about their team members' well-beig ted to prioritize their developmet ad provide the ecessary support to eable them to achieve their potetial.

At our store, we offer the top-rated atioal brads that you already kow ad trust.

The objective of Kohl's is to be the trusted retail destiatio for those who embrace active ad casual lifestyles. Our focus o diversity ad teamwork cotributes to creatig a culture that celebrates success to deliver uparalleled customer service.

About the Role:

I this role, you will play a pivotal role i supportig our sales efforts by focusig o deliverig a uparalleled customer experiece. Your ability to egage ad coect with our customers, usig our uique hospitality metality, will be the drivig force behid your success. You'll deliver crucial iformatio o curret merchadise, store promotios, ad upcomig evets, while also efficietly executig operatioal procedures. Your ultimate goal will be to coect with our customers i a way that helps address their shoppig eeds, leavig every idividual feelig respected, appreciated ad ultimately, satisfied.

Key Accoutabilities:
? Utilize our Shop C3 Program to icrease your busiess's success i sales, hospitality, operatios, people maagemet ad coversio optimizatio.
? Drive sales
? Drive sales by craftig a ispirig shoppig ambiace that motivates customers to discover ew products ad add them to their baskets
? Regularly commuicate with employees to esure everyoe is o the same page i terms of sales goals ad expectatios
? Begiig the iteractio with a polite ad sicere greetig, makes the customer feel welcomed ad appreciated, thus ehacig their experiece
? Provide supportive measures to sales floor, fittig room, poit of sale, ad overall operatioal processes as requested
? Esure that customers are ackowledged, appreciated ad valued.
? Buildig a trustworthy bod with your cliets is paramout to fulfillig their shoppig eeds
? Capitalize o omi chael optios to esure a hassle-free customer experiece
? Faithfully execute our operatioal routies, coverig BOPUS, BOSS, MLS, ad SFS, to deliver superior customer experieces
? Create a trustworthy atmosphere with the customer by beig hoest ad trasparet i all your iteractios
? Express gratitude ad led a had to customers by implemetig our busiess programs
? Egage customers throughout the trasactio process while performig exchages with precisio ad speed
? Empower customers to save smartly by workig with them to optimize their Kohl's credit card beefits
? Commeces the opeig of Kohl??s Card accouts
? Showig cosideratio ad quick actio towards questios or eeds

Essetial Fuctios:

A associate i this positio will be required to operate stadard office equipmet, such as computers ad priters, ad use software programs such as word processig, spreadsheet, ad email programs. It is essetial to have accurate data etry skills ad proficiecy with a variety of computer software applicatios. Additioally, kowledge of proper file maagemet procedures is a must.
? Proficiecy i Time Maagemet
? Prompt ad cosistet attedace i accordace with the compay's policy is importat.
? Adaptig to the dress code expectatios is imperative.
? Possessig the willigess to lear ad adhere to all compay policies, procedures, ad stadards.
? The proficiecy to uderstad, receive, ad react to directio give by superiors ad other compay persoel.
? The skill to work collectively with others ad establish positive relatioships withi a team.
? Skillfuless i maagig time effectively to complete tasks swiftly ad proficietly i a dyamic work eviromet.
? Successfully completig traiig iitiatives offered by the compay.
? Fudametal math ad readig aptitudes, legible hadwritig, ad basic computer kow-how.
? Capability to maage ad commuicate usig various frequecy devices, portable scaers, ad other techological devices as per istructios.
? Willigess to work flexible hours, icludig ights, weekeds ad weekdays.
? Execute duties as per the requiremets described i the Physical Qualificatios sectio.

Physical Requiremets:
? A essetial aspect of this role ivolves frequetly liftig items weighig up to 50 pouds, as well as occasioally hadlig heavier objects that may ecessitate two people for safe hadlig.
? The positio demads frequet keelig ad twistig.
? The capability to be o oe's feet ad/or ambulate for the etire duratio of a scheduled shift (which must exceed 8 hours).
? The skill to verify iformatio via visual ispectio ad idetify ad examie goods.
? The aptitude to wear a mask or shield over the face ad other safeguardig equipmet.
? Potetial to sustai exposure to varyig temperatures, humidity, ad other coditios while carryig out duties icludig curbside ad truck uload.

Preferred Qualificatios:
? Opportuity for Career Growth Without Prior Retail or Service Idustry Experiece
? Proficiet i writte ad verbal commuicatio, with the proficiecy to persuade others with cocise ad articulate messagig.
? Beig iately iterested i discoverig ew iformatio; a iheret desire to acquire kowledge
? Full commitmet towards valuig ad embracig diversity, while cotributig towards a iclusive workplace eviromet

The pay grade commeces at $14.00.

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